The FuseBox Radio Broadcast is an independent syndicated weekly radio show & podcast which features longtime hosts & mix DJs DJ Fusion & Ausar Ra Black Hawk that exists to "Bring the Balance Back to Black Radio" with having a strong focus on bringing a diverse mix of relevant commentary - serious & silly - on everything from politics to popular culture in the news & our personal lives, interviews and independent and mainstream Black Music mixes (Hip-Hop, Soul, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Funk, House & more; all promotional music is approved via labels & artists for podcast & radio airplay aka "podsafe") from all over the world to the international listening masses.
From its original roots in 1998 at WRSU 88.7 FM (when the show was founded by DJ Fusion while she was an undergraduate student at the Rutgers University - New Brunswick), the FuseBox Radio Broadcast has spread to multiple podcast distribution channels, websites, internet + FM radio stations and more... more